1890 | 1900 | 1910 | 1920 | 1930 | 1940 | 1950 | 1960 | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000

Avendon, Richard

Bailey, David

Beaton, Cecil

Bourdin, Guy

Blumenfeld, Erwin

Coffin, Clifford

Dahl-Wolfe, Louise

De Mayer, Adolfe

Donovan, Terence

Duffy, Brian

Frissell, Tony

Horst, Horst P



Maywald, Will


Maywald, Will

Moon, Sarah

Morel, Jean

Munkacsi, Martin

Newton, Helmut

Parkinson, Norman

Penn, Irwin

Ray, Man

Steichen, Edward

Stern, Bert

Turbeville, Deborah


Louise Dahl-Wolfe was a painter and decorator turned fashion photographer. She had an intense interest in colour although she preferred to use black and white for her fashion photographs.

She worked under strong klieg lights in the studio using huge one shot cameras. After World War II she helped to introduce an innovation by taking her models to well known spots and photographing them against exotic backgrounds.

  © lesleycody.com 2002